Thursday, June 11, 2009

Astrology:Not a science and anti religion

It has already been asserted by many that astrology is not a science. It is also anti-religion. Astrology thrives on human weaknesses, and falsely claim it to be a science and also as a part of religion. I have studied astrology very thoroughly to know its history, its relation with mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences. I found that assistance of mathematics and astronomy is resorted to while preparing the birth chart of a person. But the relation of astrology with those to sciences ends there. A careful study of astrology will find that the part of applied astrology, which is also known as "Falit Jyotish", through which astrological predictions are made, have no logical or scientific basis. I give you a few examples. According to astrology mars and saturn are mutual enemies and jupiter and moon are mutual friends. So also venus and mercury are friends and sun and saturn are enemies. What is the logic or scientific basis of such a theory? None. According to astrology Jupiter becomes exalted when placed in cancer Saturn gets exalted in Libra, Venus in Pisces and then they become stronger and give beneficial results. Then again Mecury gets debilitated in Pisces, Saturn in Aries, Sun in libra, and Mars in cancer. They become weak there and give bad results. Is there any logic or scientific basis to prove that these stars and planets become strong or weak in such places? None. Absolutely None. The ridiculous conclusion of astrology can be found when it states that each of the planets are the lords of a certain constellation or Rasi. Say, Mars is the lord of Aries, Saturn of Capricorn, Moon of Cancer etc. Each of these constellations are imaginary and have been marked and named by scientists so that it can be located easily in the vast sky with millions and millions of stars. The stars in a constellation are actually located millions and millions of light years apart both vertically and horizontally from one another and have no mutual relation in between them. And astrology says that a planet in the solar system is the lord of that imaginary house comprising of those stars. Can we say that Mars or say Saturn control the Sun ? If it cannot control the sun, which is a star and nearest to them, how can we accept that the same planet will control a constellation consisting of a number of stars which are millions and millions of light years away from the solar system? And it is propagated that astrology is a science and people believe in such false propaganda. Astrology also claims it as a part of religion. It is also not true. The purpose of astrology and religion are just the opposite. Astrology, even if we take it as claimed and said about it, wishes to do material wellbeing of the people. Religion, on the other hand shun material wellbeing and clearly says that those people who strive for material wellbeing, cannot reach God. Religion requires every human being to develop "Purushakara" or self-reliance or self-confidence and depend on God and God alone. Astrology wants you to believe on astrology, on stars, planets, stones and gems etc. You have to believe that stars and planets control your life and astrology control those stars and planets through remedial measures as per advice or choosing the right gemstone or talisman. Therefore, it is clear that the object of religion and astrology are contradictory. None of the great religious teachers ever practiced astrology. Say, Sankaracharyya, Ramanuja, Madhabacharyya, Mahavira and other Jain Tirthankaras, Chaitanya Mahaprobhu, Guru Nanak Ji, Jesus Christ, none.. None. Goutam Buddha even prohibited his disciples to study and practice astrology. None of the great sadhus like, Kathia Baba, Guru Ramanand, Sant Kabir, Tailanga Swami, Aghorenath, Gorakhnath, Lokenath, and the great tantric sadhu Bama Khyapa never practiced astrology. There is no scientific basis to prove that stones and Jewels which are prescribed to change your fate can really do so. Posted by A. Roy Mukherjee of KM Group


Gouravmoy said...

Very good Indeed

Unknown said...

A human being is a complex character and whatever methods/studies are there to understand and to decipher the complexities of human being are there, they are just not to be read like a novel. They are to be read, thought, reasoned in the given parameters of the subject and realized to reach at a certain point; eg. if somewhere written that Mars and Sat are enemy then every good Surgeon should be enemy because without blessings of both these planets no doctor can be a good Surgeon. When we just go by the readings word for word without knowing, reasoning and realizing within, we have no right at all to take shelter of any epic, great teachers and so on to prove our wrongs to right. Even some of our great gurus/teachers did not accept GOD and preached in favour of HIM. Then what shall we say about them. There were there to eradicate certain evils prevalent at that time and they did whatever was right at that time and it was their realization. Some people become wise by age, some by knowledge, some by circumstances but above all he who realizes is truly a `knowledgeable’ because only He knows in himself what is right and wrong and he never takes the shelter of anyone else but his inner power – the realization which is his treasure only. God, soul, truth, realization are beyond the certificate of any science/study/ body.
The Astrology has already been the status of `Super Science' by the Hon'ble Suprement Court of India(; k.n.rao, you will know what astrology is)

Arun Roy Mukherjee said...

The commentator states that nobody can be good surgeon without the blessings of Mars and Saturn. This belief itself is based on assumption and not on any logical or sceintific basis. Superstitious people will find all kind of excuse in support of their superstitions. No Court has the authority to declare a subject as science or anything else..... Author.

Unknown said...

Sh. Arun Roy Mukherjee says he has read and knows about astrology thoroughly. Before commenting upon anything it is expected of that he collects the particulars or horoscopes of all those good surgeon and find out the truth himself. Regarding Court Authority, he is unaware of the facts. UGS admitted Astrology as subject of study only after that Judgment. I again request him to; KN Rao.

Arun Roy Mukherjee said...

Mr. NAC started his comments with a pronouncement that a good surgeon needs the blessings of both Mars and Saturn. But he has not forwarded any proof in support. If his contention is true then it must be accepted that Planets Mars and Saturn have the knowledge, skill and qualities to make a good surgeon and have also the quality to transmit such knowledge, skill etc. to a person on earth. But where on those planets are such qualities hidden and how those planets transmit those knowledge and skill to a person on earth ? Could Mr. NAC enlighten us on the matter ? Should we also have to accept that those planets have minds, brains, intellect and skill through which knowledge and skills are acquired and transmitted? Even to convet the blessings, it must have to have a mind. Do we have to accept that these stars and planets are all animate objects? Mr. NAC, however has not given any explanation, logic, reason, or scientific proof in support of his claim.
Mr. NAC has also stated that some religious teachers did not believe in the Supreme Being and therefore their views should not be accepted as correct. His obvious reference is to Goutam Buddha. Many orthodox Hindus, without a proper understanding of Buddha’s teachings, branded him an atheist. Buddhadev was pained to the sufferings of human beings and his entire attention, effort and longing was to find a way out of such sufferings. He found that a man can overcome it if he can come out of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth and so on. He dedicated his entire life for the cause. Moreover, even if we, for argument’s sake, accept that Goutam Buddha was an atheist, can we deny his knowledge, his wisdom, love and compassion ? Can all the knowledge, intelligence and all other qualities of all the persons taken together who believe in astrology stand anywhere near in comparison to the great knowledge and wisdom of Goutam Buddha or any other so called atheist religious teachers taken individually?.
And then, may I very humbly ask why no questions were raised about other religious teachers and sadhus mentioned by me? What about my comments that the prupose and object of religion and astrology are contradictory?
I studied many cases myself and also saw many so-called experts judging horoscopes. I never found that all the predictions of a person or of different person come true. When the prediction fails, the excuse is that birth time must be wrong etc. There are no shortage of explanations. The gist is “Head I win, Tail you loose”. So, my personal experience is that it is an intelligent and good guessing game. Lastly, just because the UGCaccepted astrology as a subject of study, does not make it either a science or a part or branch of religion.

I myself, am a devout Hindu and that is why I have learnt to accept the Truth and go beyond all superstitions.

Unknown said...

I request Mr. Arun to re-read my comments. He is writing with the emotional arcane built by him alone. I have said nothing against the realisation of the Great Teachers/Gurus. And at the same time i submit that it needs births to understand Astrology fully. It does not cover materialistic, emotional but every aspect of life of human being including religious. If any human being will be able to achieve his salvation in the present birth or not, it reads the indications. He has not gone beyond A for Apple; therefore these things appear wrongs to him. He says that if the prediction goes wrong the onus is shifted to wrong timing. It means he does not know the basic principle of astrology or other things. If it has to happen it should be correct to its parameters. If water is to be made it is to be composition of H2O. And if he says that it should be there why cannot be H5O or HO4; rediculous. If we go to a doctor we tell our problem truthfully so that he may be able to diagnose properly. If we give any affidavit we commit thereunder that it is true to the best of my ability and belief; then what wrong this giving in astrology. Astrology, if says, man should be truthful, he should behave properly, eat properly then what wrong astrology doing to human beings. He does not know that the astrology is environment friendly too. If someone says that you should respect your father so that the planet Sun is improved in your horoscope; is it crime. One day science included pluto in the list of planets; some years later it excluded. And who were against the exclusion of pluto, were not they scientist? If with lot of experience and lots of ultra modern facility or that due to the incapability of the doctor the patient dies, no body blames the medical profession but if astrologer has failed all the whole hell is broken down. In every profession there are quacks so in astrology too and if the persons having knowledge in astrology will not take part in cleaning this and joins the opposite world they are more harmful than those quacks.

Unknown said...

I humbly submit that my comments should not be taken against anybody. Personally i do not favour any arguments as sometime sooner or later it loses on morality. Thanks.

Arun Roy Mukherjee said...

Mr. NAC has atlast divulged what astrology is all about. Yes, when we have a health problem, we go to the doctor, tell him everything about my unease and sufferings and follow his prescriptions. When there is legal problem, we go to a lawyer, tell him all the facts and then take actions as per his advice. But so far as astrology is concerned, it is claimed that the Birth-chart and other associated charts or the actual details of time, place etc. of birth required for preparation of those charts are enough. Those charts , it is claimed, automatically reads and reveals everything about the person. Now, ofcourse, Mr. NAC says that we will have to spill all the beans before the astrologer for allowing him to take all the credits for revealing my past, present and future and ways of remedies for my woes from all the details the astrloger learns from me. This is astrology is all about. THANKS MR. NAC.
We all know that a subject is defined as a science when it follows a certain norm of study, maintain complete records of all such studies and experiments and applications and about how a scientific theory is established on the basis of such recorded studies, experiments and applications. Mr.NAC did not go in that direction in support of his claim that astrology is also a science, but depended on some heresays, UGC’s acceptance as a subject of study and a supposed court order. Following Mr. NAC’c line of arguments, it may be said that the theories of light, force, gravitation etc. have no backing of a court order and therefore we do not know whether those can be accepted as a part of science.
And what about astrlogy’s contradiction with the teachings of religion?

I admit that my entire knowledge is upto the standard of “A for Apple” before the vast ocean of knowledge. I also know that I am neither confused nor a bigot. I am prepared to accept any branch or subject of study as a science provided it satisfies the basic conditions to be recognized as such, i.e., a systematic study, experiment, application and complete records and theories established on the basis of those. Like all other sciences, it must also have scope and chances of improvement as our knowledge improves and new facts come up due to constant research and experiment. However, I will not accept any branch of knowledge or study as a part or branch of religion so long I find that it contradicts the basic object and purpose of religious teachings. I have an open mind because my search is for the Truth.and have no hesitation in accepting it, if I am convinced thru proper reasoning and facts.

I am sorry to say that Mr.NAC has failed in his effort to convince me to change my opinion because he never stood face to face with the arguments forwarded by me and evaded the main points and even resorted to personal vilification. I therefore do not like to continue this debate with him any more. I will not give any reply even if he continues the tirade.

Unknown said...

hahahaha Mr. Arun you say you are an old person studied astrology and other subjects and in pursuit of truth. Either I failed to convey you the proper meaning or you failed to receive the same, the truth never changes. Or you are having the habit of twisting my writings/words to prove your point; you did previously and now doing. But such type of personal acclamation is transient.

Unknown said...

Mr. Arun has written what about astrology’s contradiction with the teachings of religion? I think his religion just starts and ends with the reading the scriptures casually and writing about the names of the great Gurus. Which religion he is talking about, he did not mention. If it means all those Gurus/Teachers then he is talking about so many religions? But all says God is one. Then why so many religion. His answer would be simple one like that the ways to find GOD are different. Were those religious Gurus/Teachers were not so enlightened and powerful that they could not form one religion or preach one religion or could not turn up the public in favour of one religion so that the public, the common person have not been so confused which religion is true to follow. I already mentioned in my writings that they came here to enlighten the souls in their own way and eradicated the evils in their own way prevalent at that time which Mr. Arun has failed to understand. I am reminded of famous words of Hafeez “You may burn all the holy books, set ablaze the house of Lord, but never hurt a heart of human being.” That is religion to me!

How Mr. Arun has found astrology anti religion, he did not mention. He is just harping on the same tune and is in the habit of twisting the words. I mistakenly wrote that he is not beyond A for Apple. Sorry to say that he does not know even A for Apple. Astrology runs into so many divisions; e.g. materialistic/physical ground, conscious, sub-conscious, para-sympathetic, supernatural. It has more than 300 divisions of a house of 120 minutes which means that even less than a half-minute time variation in birth time can change the whole division. Such vast subject is Astrology and such a time precision accuracy it needs which I was talking about in my previous writing and he missed it to read and twisted accordingly to his wishes.

Moreover, it is in the modern era that it is called Astrology; erarlier it was Jyotisha – The Light of Ishat. The name Jyotisha itself spells the pious nature of Jyotisha.

Mr. Arun’s wayward writings reminds me a story which we heard in childhood that a child was calling donkey to a horse. When he was told the difference he started giving weird explanations that he (child) knows the difference between the goat and dog; that he knows the difference between cow and buffalo so does he knows the difference between donkey and horse. But never admitted he was wrong there.

Look what he has answered to one questioner Mayank on Kaal Sarpa Yoga in Horoscope Section on Yahoo:

Mayank’s Q: Is there is KalsarpaYoga in my Chart?

Arun’s ans: According to astrology you don't have Kala Sarpa Yaga because all the planets are not placed in between Rahu and Ketu in your chart, as mentioned.

Now, look at my answer to another one on the same Question:
NM’s Q.: Does my horoscope have Kaal Sarp Yoga? if yes what are the remedies?

My Answer: There is no YOGA like Kall Sarp Yoga exists in Astrology. The creation of such Yoga is gimmick of certain greedy astrologers only. And more surprisingly certain astrologers have listed more than 500 types of Kall Sarp Yoga! Imagine what would happen then. Everybody is under that YOGA which has been termed malicious by these astrologers and the native who does have this yoga would be unable to rise. Do you know that thisYoga is also present in the chart of Lataji, Sachin Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Bush. Beware! When no such yoga exists, no remedy.

What does it convey. Either Mr.Arun is taking double standard or is quack or has just read books written by quacks and nothing else. Without knowing and realizing, no body has the right to criticise.


Anonymous said...

Mr NAC would you like to join our blog? if yes please mail me at

Unknown said...

Jyotisha – the Jyoti(Light) of the Ishat, the sacred knowledge earlier had remained in the ashrams of the great rishis of ancient times who gave predictions to kings. The instances of Narada, Garga and many other rishis are there in the Puranas, the Mahabharata telling kings what would happen in the future. All those seer-astrologers were rishis, yogis, tapasvis whose spiritual life was par excellence. They were unattached to their own families, caste, community or to kings and their kingdoms. Astrology was the priceless possession of seers and not of householders. That is why it is more famous as Vedanga (A part of Vedas). They charged nothing in return of their prediction. If Mr. Arun had gone through the journey of astrology he definitely would have read Brihat Prashara Hora Shastra, Jaimini Sutra, Saravali, Phala Deepika etc. all the classics on this pious subject and ought not have questioned its sanctimony. He has written that he is devout Hindu and is in pursuit of truth and against the superstitions. As written above, astrology is beyond such type of caste and community system. Is not criticising without tracing the history, knowing, realizing anything also comes under superstition? It is not the question of little knowledge but the pseuo-intellectual level which we want to show even now and then and pat on our back and satisfy our ego. Arguments are nothing more than collection of certain words of vocabulary of a person. It can never decide the truth. Who better than Acharya Rajnish in the modern times we have seen. I am reminded of an instance when a very famous English Scholar and critic came to meet Acharya. He was hiding his name and had come just to grill the Osho. During discussion, he indicated that he did not believe in God and started arguments with the Osho. Osho with his usual tenacious style made him realised that the God did exist. When the Scholar said yes, the God devinitely exists, Osho told that God is nowhere. He does not exist at all. Can you prove? The Scholar was stunned by this smash. He started arguments with Acharya but in vain. Again Osho made him to say that God did not exist at all.

For the search of truth some lost in the darkness of mountains, some in the rivers, many wandered in the street but no one found the truth. The Budha left his home in search of Truth. When He realised it, He came to His house and called “Bhiksham Dehi, Devi (Give Alms, Devi)”. His wife came out and looked that it was her husband. She hurled question upon Him, “Did you find for which you left us, the home?” “Yes”, replied Budha. “Was it not possible to find it here, while living in home?”. He was just answerless to this whirlwind question. He replied “Yes, it was possible to find here.” The Truth prevails everywhere whether you recognise or stay away from it, it is the choice of the seeker. God/ Truth/ Soul/ Belief are all above anybody’s guess, science. It is just realisation within.