In our society there are many who cannot live as normal human beings because of some kind of physical disability. Some have such disabilities since their birth while others have become disabled by accidents or by some diseases. Such persons are called physically handicapped. A child may lose muscular control because of an injury to its brain and become a spastic. It may be born blind or may become blind because of malnutrition. Some other may be born deaf and dumb. Another still become a victim of polio. Again, one may lose one’s leg or an arm being involved in an accident like fire or bomb explosions or road accidents.
These handicapped persons were previously considered a burden not only to the family to which they belonged but also to the society as a whole. But, it should be borne in mind that these persons may be handicapped in respect of one or two physical organs but they may be superior to others in respect of some special qualities that they may possess. Thus, a blind person may possess a keen sense of music. A person who is crippled may have the talent of a good painter. So, we must sympathize with these persons and help them to become useful members of the society. It is indeed a tough job to meet the needs and problem of the handicapped. We should do our best to rehabilitate them in the Society. We can give them special training so that they can do some suitable jobs and live with dignity.
This is, however, a huge task requiring organizational and financial support. The government of the country should come forward and arrange for special training center for the handicapped people of the country. The philanthropic organization should extend their helping hands to these unfortunate people and provide them with the various props like artificial limbs, wheel chairs etc. Our attitude towards these weak brothers and sisters should not be one of pity. We should treat them with love and affection. It is our duty to help them in their need and make them feel that they are not different from us, rather they are very much like us, and sometimes, even better.
NB:Please pardon me for my horrible english.
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